Saturday, January 31, 2009

WHOA, I'm bloggin'

Hard to belive that I could find another way to waste time on the computer! I felt like I needed to move with the times so what the hey.

I guess since life overwhelms me I will try to keep up at least once a week or month, whatever!!

DD had basketball game today & she tells me on the way there, "Mom, today I am gonna be aggresive"....OK, although I'm not too sure what that means. I'm pretty sure she knows that should mean, GET THE BALL! She does pretty good & the games are alot of fun.

We looked to our beautiful clear sky tonite to see the crescent moon and Venus. DS was in heaven seeing a planet!

Now I need to scrap..........then we are gonna watch the latest Indiana Jones flick. Til nest time whenever that may be.